
What is Operation Northern Comfort all about?

In 2005 after Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf Coast, Operation Southern Comfort (OSC) was formed. 50 trips were taken to the ravaged parts of Louisiana and Mississippi to rehabilitate, rebuild and repair homes – and lives. 2200 volunteers, including 1200 students, participated in the 9-day events – traveling the 1400 miles on the weekend, working for 5 days, and returning (1400 miles again!) the following weekend. OSC built 4 homes and worked on over 200 more; planted 13000 trees, donated 3 trailers full of school supplies, books, clothing and musical instruments and brought hope to thousands of Gulf Coast residents.

In 2012 it became apparent that there were people in CNY that could use help. That is how Operation Northern Comfort was born. We fix bathrooms, enlarge doors, build ramps – whatever we can physically do, we do. In 2014 we built a home after a fire destroyed one – our first house build in CNY. As we grew we partnered with Arise of Central New York, Tiny Homes for Good, North Area Meals on Wheels, Eastern Farm Workers Association and other non profit and social worker organizations to serve those in need.

Anyone can send in a request for help; those requests are forwarded to the jobs committee, which will contact the requester and review the project. Any request received is considered.

Our Mission Statement

Operation Northern Comfort is an organization of community volunteers empowering and giving hope to those in need.

Ending Racism and Promoting Diversity at ONC

Operation Northern Comfort seeks to improve the living conditions of those in need and to give hope to those who call on it, regardless of racial ethnicity, gender, religious faith or age. Likewise, it welcomes a volunteer base which is inclusive and diverse to better serve the entire community.